Zambia eBiz Guide - page 117

Mining & Energy
Business Sustainability
We have made huge investments
into prolonging the lifespan of our
mines by a further 30 years. We have
invested over US$320 million into
the sinking and equipping of our
new Synclinorium Shaft and have
commenced with the sinking of a
further two deep shafts in our mining
towns of Mufulira and Kitwe.
Developing Skills
One of our biggest achievements has
been the construction of the state-
of-the-art Mopani Central Training
Centre (MCTC). This world-class
facility will help resolve the current
critical shortage of technical skills
across Zambia’s mining industry.
Prioritising Health & Safety
We recognise health, safety and
environmental responsibilities as an
integral part of our overall business
management. In line with this core
value, we have implemented the
Safemining strategy which is aimed at
enhancing safety performance across
all operations with the ultimate goal
of eliminating fatalities and serious
Unearthing Zambia’s Economic Potential
At Mopani, our goal is to achieve economic wealth for all our stakeholders and Zambia as a whole. We continue to
innovate and invest heavily in areas such as infrastructure development, water & sanitation programmes, education,
health, sports and entrepreneurship development.
P.O. Box 22000, Kitwe, Zambia (Central Street Nkana West)
Phone: +260 212 247459 | Fax: +260 212 247445
Embracing Our Communities
An important aspect of Mopani’s corporate social responsibility is to improve
the lives of our people in the surrounding communities. Since 2000, we have
invested over US$200 million in various community projects with the aim of
improving the living standards of the people.
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