Zambia eBiz Guide - page 115

Mining & Energy
Geotech Zambia
Tel: +260 211 250 402
ity: W
ater E
Geotech Zambia Ltd. is a water exploration and drill-
ing company based in Lusaka, Zambia. The company
provides competitively priced water well drilling, bore-
hole pump installation, tank stand erection, and water
quality testing.
Geotech also offers a reliable and professional ser-
vice to the mining sector. Geotech Zambia has experi-
ence in handling large contracts. Its services include
ground water exploration, exploitation and develop-
ment; geophysical surveys, and borehole drilling and
installation services. Geotech Zambia regularly up-
grades its drilling rigs to cater for the ever-changing
market demands.
Geotech Zambia offers reliable and result-oriented
professional services for both industrial and residen-
tial plots. They have experience handling large con-
Managed by trained experts, Geotech Zambia offers
tailored drilling solutions that use advanced technol-
ogy at very reasonable prices.
Abdoul Ba
Managing Director
Chipuluma Road
P.O. Box 22111, Kitwe
Tel: +260 212 210 894
ity: M
ounded in: 1
Grizzly Mining Ltd. is a company whose core business
is centered around the mining production, processing,
and marketing of gemstones. The company has, for
the past sixteen years, been engaged in large-scale
mechanized mining, which is carried out at sites in
Lufwanyama. Its land is richly endowed in vast emer-
ald and beryl deposits.
Grizzly Mining is a privately-owned company, which is
engaged in the production, processing, grading, mar-
keting, and supply of emeralds and beryl. Offshoots
include construction, leasing of real estate, hire of
transportation, and commercial farming.
The company has witnessed soaring production levels
since its inception, and it has outperformed all set tar-
gets, well beyond expectations. It is poised to expand
even further by exploring more proficient and innova-
tive mining techniques.
Its major product is raw and processed emeralds and
beryl. Owing to the quality of its acclaimed gems, the
company has gained worldwide recognition.
Kariba Mineral
s Limited
Cyrille Djankoff
Executive Director
Kakota Road
P.O. Box 37080, Lusaka
Tel: +260 211 841 062
Fax: +260 211 287 041
ity: M
ounded in: 1
Kariba Minerals has long been a reliable source of
high-quality amethyst for major manufacturers of gem-
stones and related products. The company’s market
share is estimated at over 90 percent of the amethyst
originating from Zambia, and it is arguably the largest
single amethyst producer in the world. Presently, the
company exports mainly to China and India, but it has
clients in Europe and America as well.
Over the years, Kariba Minerals has developed a
unique grading system. The amethysts are carefully
sorted and graded by a skilled workforce, using strin-
gent quality control measures. This has established
its amethyst as a premium brand known as KARIBA
AMETHYST. Its product is in great demand among
both manufacturers and wholesalers as the quality of
its materials is becoming increasingly apparent.
Currently, its mining operation at Mapatizya is mecha-
nized. Bulldozers and excavators are used to strip, ex-
cavate, and expose the amethyst veins. The veins are
then mined selectively by pick and shovel. The lower
grade amethyst is stockpiled to provide bulk feed for
the washing plant.
Higher grades of amethyst are processed in the
knocking plants at Mapatizya and Lusaka. A skilled
workforce handles the sorting operations, and there is
a strong emphasis on quality control.
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