Zambia eBiz Guide - page 127

Mining & Energy
Zambia Chamber of Mines
Jackson Sikamo
Maina Soko Road
P.O. Box 260566, Kalulushi
Tel: +260 212 730 743
Fax: +260 212 730302
ity: Chamb
The Chamber of Mines is the voice of the Zambian
mining sector and facilitator of relations between the
public and private sector. The Chamber helps facili-
tate mining sector interaction with the government
and locals, and it is uniquely placed to help members
resolve tax and regulatory issues, as well as other is-
sues that may arise while operating in Zambia.
The Chamber of Mines seeks to promote and ex-
pand the mining sector not only by promoting in-
vestment into the sector but also by attempting to
work with the government to make the country and
industry a much more investment friendly environ-
ment. The Chamber advocates on behalf of the min-
ing sector, working with the government, the IMF,
the World Bank, and other international and regional
organizations. The Chamber is a forum within which
members are able to create a set of common issues
on behalf of the sector. As a single, harmonized, and
unified voice, more can be achieved for all members
than if they each pursued their private interests in-
Zambia possesses two sets of geological records,
the national records, which are held by the Govern-
ment of Zambia in Lusaka, and the privately owned
records, which are maintained by the Chamber of
Mines. Zambia is unique in this sense as in other
countries, the government is the sole owner of such
geological records. The Chamber maintains an im-
pressive collection of historical data regarding drill
cores, samples, and historical information regarding
areas of exploration.
Underground Mock-Up at the Mining Training Centre under construction at Mopani Central Training Centre.
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