Zambia eBiz Guide - page 83

Investment & Legal Framework
provision of serviced agricultural land through farm
block development. The development of essential
infrastructure such as roads, dams, and electricity
in the Nansanga Farm Block has been completed
and the process of allotting land to successful ap-
plicants is underway. The development of the other
farm blocks is expected in the medium term.
Regarding the energy sector, the focus is on ex-
panding the electric power generation capacity in
order to keep supply in line with the rising demand.
The government’s strategy has been to enhance
the generation capacity of existing power stations
as well as to construct new ones. As the plan of up-
dating existing power stations approaches comple-
tion, the focus will shift to the construction of new
The main projects under this program include the
Kariba North Bank Power Station Expansion Proj-
ect, the development of the new 600–700 MW
Kafue Gorge Lower, and the 120 MW Itezhi-tezhi
power stations. Government is encouraging the pri-
vate sector to invest in power generation to cater to
both domestic and regional markets.
The focus of the government in the manufacturing
sector is to promote investment so that it may ex-
pand the sector and enhance its value added. In
this regard, the government has been undergoing
reforms to improve the competitiveness of Zambian
products on the international market. Through the
Zambia Development Agency, the country is pro-
viding attractive incentives for investments in the
The Government is also promoting the develop-
ment of Multi-Facility Economic Zones (MFEZs)
and Industrial Parks as a model for developing the
manufacturing sector. The government has so far
earmarked five locations for MFEZ and Industrial
Park development. The five MFEZs are at various
stages of development.
In tourism, the focus is on the development of the
Northern Tourism Circuit where government is de-
veloping the requisite infrastructure such as roads,
electric power, and the airport in order to attract pri-
vate sector investment into the Kasaba Bay area.
At the same time, work is continuing on the wider
development of the Greater Livingstone Area and
Kafue National Park, with the aim of improving
access infrastructure, wildlife management, and
anti-poaching efforts. The government also hopes
to increase the amount of private investment in the
national park.
It is widely believe that success with the economic
expansion and diversification program will come
only with an efficient transportation system. In this
regard, priority has been placed on the develop-
ment of roads (LinkZambia8000 and L400 Pro-
gramme) to facilitate domestic and regional trade.
The government has also prioritized the revitaliza-
tion of the existing railway system. A total of 120
million USD has been allocated to this sector.
Credit: Luis López
The Revenue House in Lusaka
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