Zambia eBiz Guide - page 129

Mining & Energy
ing from a World Bank funded “Increased Access to
Electricity Services” Project.
Under the company’s strategic plan, the power utility
is set to increase its generation capacity by 556 MW.
This additional generation capacity is expected from
the advanced 360 MW Kariba North Bank Extension
project located in the southern region of Zambia bor-
dering Zimbabwe, on the famous Lake Kariba Dam
at a cost of 415 million USD jointly funded by the Chi-
na Export Import Bank and The Development Bank
of Southern Africa. In addition, the 120 MW Itezhi-
Tezhi hydropower project (a Public–Private partner-
ship venture with ZESCO Ltd. and Tata Africa Pty.)
located in the Southern province of Zambia at a cost
of 230 million USD is also soon to be commissioned.
ZESCO has put in place a robust growth plan which
aims to achieve immediate, short and medium-term
measures to meet the growing power demand in
Zambia and in the Southern African region.
In recognizing the need to meet the growing do-
mestic and regional power demand, ZESCO’s three
main power plants, namely Kafue Gorge, Kariba
North Bank, and Victoria Falls Power stations have
benefitted from ZESCO’s Power Rehabilitation Pro-
gramme (PRP), which has seen Kariba North Bank
and Kafue Gorge power stations increase their
generating capacity. This program refurbished the
plants to improve reliability, efficiency, and to in-
crease their generation capacity.
Though a parastatal institution, ZESCO is a fully
commercialized entity and is expected to operate
as such. Like any other business, ZESCO remits
dividends to its sole shareholder, the Government
of the Republic of Zambia. To take care of its in-
terests, the government has appointed the Perma-
nent Secretary of the Ministry of Lands, Energy, and
Water Development and the Ministry of Finance &
National Planning to the ZESCO Board of Directors
London Metal Exchange (LME) Grade A copper cathodes are 99.99% pure copper
Credit: M
opani Copper M
ines P
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