Myanmar’s Mining Leader Goes Global
Out of 33 mining companies operating in the Tanintharyi Region, half of the production of tin and tungsten comes from Delco Mining, a single one of them. Standing tall among their regional competitors, Delco Mining and its Chairman, U Ding Ying, aim much higher than being the mining company of reference in Myanmar. Their goal is to be one of the top mining companies in the world. Delco Mining started operations under state control in 1989 until U Ding Ying bought it in 2007. Ten years later, it has soared to the top of the mining sector in the region, employing over 400 people in both its Kanbauk mine site and headquarters in Yangon.
"Our future is to become an international company," says U Ding Ying. "that is why I have opened an office in Singapore, and our next goal is to list on the stock exchange of that country." To that end, the company has been compliant with international mining standards. Two main factors can explain the company’s success: its focus on new technologies, and the fact that it reinvests significant portions of its revenue into the company—specifically in exploration.
"Today, the technology development is the priority for our industry, and we have hired some international technicians to research new mineral reserves."
"We expect our mine to become one of the largest in the world. Today, the discovery of 150,000 tons of mineral resources is just 1% of our final goal," says U Ding Ying. "We foresee increasing production of tin and tungsten concentrate up to 3,000 to 4,000 tons per year."
Delco is not only a strong investment partner due its expertise in the region; it also boasts impressive growth prospects.
The mining giant is looking to partner with international investors, specifically from the West—it is already doing business with Canadian and Australian companies and expects to reach more European and American markets shortly. As one of Myanmar’s biggest companies, Delco Mining is committed to supporting the country’s economic growth, but it does so in an environmentally and socially conscious way. Working with international geologists, it has put in practice programs to ensure environmental protection and hopes to raise socio-economic standards in Myanmar by creating jobs and helping the local population improve their professional skills.
As Myanmar was isolated from the international community until 2011, new investors would get an advantageous position in the market as they would be among the first to come in.
"Currently, the present government is becoming more transparent with regard to the mining sector, and reducing the rate of the mining royalties, thus providing strong assurances to investors. It is the best time to come to Myanmar and we are the best company to partner up with to get into the market," says U Ding Ying.
U Ding Ying
«We aim to develop new technologies in the coming years to enhance the extraction and processing of tin and tungsten.»
U Ding Ying,
Chairman of Delco Mining
No.150 B, New Unversity Avenue Road, Bahan,
Yangon, Myanmar
Phone: +95-01-540432 / e-mail:
Developers Entrepreneurs Liaison
Construction Organizers Ltd.