Zambia eBiz Guide - page 46

and craft paper, steel mill balls and lead in-
gots. These plants are located on one complex
in Kabwe more than 85 hectares of land with
36 hectares currently utilized.
This is the only complex that houses multi
facilities set of the art processing plants value
adding to the raw materials. The Government
of the Republic of Zambia has recognized the
enormous contribution that Metalco Group of
Companies has done in Kabwe which was
once a ghost town by entrusting the respon-
sibility of pioneering a Copper Park in Kabwe.
Metalco Group is the major employer in Ka-
bwe with over 1,400 seasonal and permanent
Mr. Safieddine’s experience in metals
started by buying oresand malachite from
the Democratic Republic of the Congo and
opened another business of buying and selling
of scrap through partnerships. He is a real
entrepreneur and his business acumen has
propelled the companies to transcend into a
proper business model of value addition with
total recycling and processing with nil residual
He has lived in Zambia for 43 years and his
net turnover averages around USD75 million
from Metalco Industries Limited annually.
He is currently serving as Honorary Consular
for Lebanon in Zambia, and was offered the
Zambian nationality and passport by presiden-
tial decree as a token of appreciation for his
contribution to the local community.
His hobbies are horse riding, polo, reading,
strategizing and gardening.
d y
ou define Corporate Social
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an
organization’s moral, ethical, and humanitarian res-
ponsibilities in addition to their responsibilities to
earn a fair return for investors and comply with the
A traditional view of the corporation suggests that
its primary, if not sole, responsibility is to its owners,
however, CSR requires organizations to adopt a
broader view of its responsibilities that includes not
Hussein Safieddine was born on 16th May,
1965 in Freetown, Sierra Leone. He is married
to Rania Chemesdine and has three children.
After starting primary school in Lebanon
(1970-1973), Mr. Safieddine moved to Zambia
where he finished his primary school educa-
tion at Jacaranda Primary School (1973-1974),
before going to the International School of Lu-
saka, Zambia (1975-1978) and completing his
high school education at U.K Friends Quakers
School, Wigtton, Cambria, England.
Mr. Safieddine now holds a Bachelor’s degree
in Political Science from Surrey, England and
also studied Hotel Management at Brighton
Polytechnic in England and has 18 years of
experience in general trading of goods and 12
years in the production of metals from mineral
From 1990 to 1998 he managed his father’s
farm, all the while starting general trading bu-
sinesses including a supermarket, restaurants,
fast food outlets and real estate through a
company called Dez Res Real Estate Agency.
In 1998 he formed his own company trading
as Metalco Industries Limited which is the pio-
neers in the business of recycling nonferrous
scrap metal in Zambia. He was the first person
to industrially build a scrap metal processing
plant. The holding company Metalco Industries
Company Limited with its subsidiaries Zinc
Aluminum Lead and Copper (ZALCO) Ltd and
Central Recycling Company Ltd manufactures
and processes automotive and solar batteries,
electric copper cables, copper cathodes, cop-
per rods, copper blister, copper mat, aluminum
pots, aluminum circles and pans, aluminum
cast blocks, brass and bronze billets, tissue
co Industries Ltd.
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