Zambia eBiz Guide - page 42

2000 to 0.97 in June 2015. But much still needs to be
done because we still continue to record some fatali-
ties and lost time injuries. Our target is to record zero
fatalities and a 0.5 lost time injury frequency rate.
This enormous effort is being done through the in-
troduction of SAFEWORK. SAFEWORK focuses on
identification and control of fatal hazards and develo-
ping a strong safety culture among employees. The
SAFEWORK program is leveraging off best practi-
ces in the mining industry. The SAFEWORK initiati-
ve is underpinned by sincere belief that Mopani can,
and will, eliminate fatalities from all its operations.
At Mopani, we are rolling out SAFEWORK under the
banner of SAFEMINING. SAFEMINING came about
because we realized that a large proportion of our fa-
talities and lost time injuries occurred due to the size,
depth and age of our mining operations. This is not
to say that this program does not cover all aspects
of our operations, from the Corporate Office (Cen-
tral Offices), to the processing plants and even the
schools and hospitals which we operate. We have to
focus on eliminating all incidents in all areas of our
business with all 20,100 employees and contractors
who enter our gates daily. This can be done, must
be done, and will be done through implementation
of this conscious and purposefully-developed safety
Without exception and any excuse, fatalities are
avoidable and we ask all Mopani employees and
contractors to support this program and work
towards achieving our goal of zero fatalities across
our business. This can be achieved through constant
vigilance, active and strong Visible Felt Leadership
and Communication awareness.
At the same time, we are improving all our safety
systems and emergency preparedness to ensure
they are responsive to our current situation.
We, therefore, urge all our employees to embra-
ce safety as their number one priority. They have
a responsibility to look after themselves and their
workmates and to come to work and go back to their
families safely every single day. We can only do this
if we adopt the fatal hazard protocols and apply the
appropriate lifesaving behaviors all the time.
Talking a bit more about corporate social responsi-
bility (CSR), one important aspect of Mopani’s exis-
tence is the company’s role in the lives of the people
in surrounding communities. We have made tremen-
dous achievements in uplifting the living standards of
the people through our (CSR) programs.
Since 2000, the Company has invested over
200 million in various community projects with
the aim of improving the living standards of the peo-
ple. This investment has greatly helped the towns
of Kitwe and Mufulira in such areas as infrastruc-
ture development, water and sanitation, education,
health, sports, and entrepreneurship development,
among others.
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In this
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Thanks to the hard work of our people, the conti-
nuous investment and the current capital expansion
projects, Mopani’s future seems clear and full of
hope. We are the largest employer outside gover-
nment and one of the largest mining corporations
operating in Zambia. Our aim is to be a world class
copper producer, to achieve unit costs for copper in
the second lowest quartile on the international cost
of production curve and to deliver superior value to
our shareholders, our people and our country. We
have a series of strategic objectives, long term and
short term initiates that over the next five years shall
get us closer to our goal.
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