Oildata Logging Services is an independent Technical-Service Logging and data acquisition Company that provides Production Enhancement, Reservoir Monitoring & Maintenance applications, and related Petrophysical Engineering services.
Overview of the Company
Oildata began operation as an independent Cased Hole Service Company in Nigeria, in 1994, by introducing the concept of the Rigless Electric Line Workover to Chevron. At the time the company owned a single electric line unit.
The initial tests proved very successful. The company grew rapidly as other clients, such as Shell, Mobil, Texaco and Elf adopted the techniques for their marginal and mature oil and gas fields.
By the end of 1998, over 100 successful rigless workover jobs had been performed in Nigeria.
Oildata's solutions are conveyed on Electric line, Slick line or Coiled Tubingand include Production Logging, Perforating, Rigless Water and Bas Shutoff, Horizontal Well Logging, Fluid Contact Monitoring, and Fast-track Marginal Field Development solutions, amongst others. As a company, Oildata has achieved a number of technological milestones:
• Oildata was the first company to successfully record a horizontal well Production Log on an ExxonMobil Well in West Africa (Ubit 71, Ubit 75, 1995)
• The first service company to log a memory log on a short Radius horizontal well in Africa. (Ashland, 1997)
• Oildata was the first company to design and install an open-close-open straddle packer system to isolate a high pressure gas zone while simultaneously permitting the production of oil from a deeper horizon (ChevronTexaco,1998, 1999)
• Oildata was the first company to deploy a wireline tractor in a horizontal well in Nigeria to acquire
reservoir data without coiled tubing or pipe conveyed logging equipment (Shell, 1999)
• Oildata successfully re-established oil production from the abandoned Salt pond Marginal field, offshore Ghana. (SOPC/GNPC - 2002)
• Oildata has performed 100% of ChevronTexaco's non-rig well interventions and data acquisition requirements in Nigeria since 1996
Services include:
Non Rig Workover Services involve the use of electric line procedures to improve well productivity without the high costs of a conventional Workover rig. This service package includes the high performance multi-phased thru-tubing perforating guns; slickline deployed perforating guns; thru-tubing, electric line conveyed bridge plugs; the thermosetting plastic plug used to partially plug back gravel packed and non-gravel packed completions. These techniques have been successfully applied to wells in Nigeria and India, where standard rig based plug back and re-perforation recommendations have been done in the past.
Non-Rig Logging Services include the memory production logging services, which involves log data acquisition with tools, deployed on Slick line or Coiled tubing. Also included here is Oildata MULE tractor for electric line logging in horizontal wells.
Tubing Conveyed Perforating Services involves the use of multi-phased high performance guns to achieve an adequate productivity (or injectivity) ratio. Oildata method of tubing conveyed perforating comprises the guns, the firing systems and the accessories. Gun sizes range from 1 11/6” through 7” enable optimized design that allows for better phasing, effective penetration, proper stand off and enhanced perforator performance in all casing sizes.
Petrophysical Data Services include Digital Data Services (Map and electric log digitizing); Petrophysical database generation and management, Routine data services such as Composite log generation, Playbacks, Data Merging, TVD Conversions, Data Conversion Services, etc. The company places a high premium on providing Total Quality Service to all our customers.
Downhole Enhanced Completion and Monitoring Services include installation and maintenance of permanent downhole gauges used mainly in deepwater environments
The management team and technical personnel include engineering professionals and consultants with local and international training and experience in field applications and Geophysical engineering.
Oildata maintains a high technology profile because the company belongs to a network of independent technology providers. This unique relationship guarantees access to the latest technological developments in perforating, cased hole logging tools, latest research, technology, training, and operations support.
Xenergi Oilfield Services
Xenergi Oilfield Services is an integrated oil and gas service company with her head office and main operations facilities located in Plot 282B, Trans Amadi Industrial Layout,
Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Xenergi’s existing product lines include production testing services, modular gas conversion projects, early production facilities and wireless monitoring operations.
Future product line extensions will be in the area of remote monitoring/intelligent wells, e- fields technology, wireless downhole monitoring, Fiber-optic pipeline leak detection and remote tracking technology. A brief description of Xenergi’s service capabilities:
• Production Testing Services
Production testing provides valuable reservoir information, allowing production optimization while minimizing the chances for reservoir damage. The data obtained from these tests enable engineers evaluate both the reservoir potential and the chemical makeup of the reservoir, well or field. This process also helps in engineering the sizing and specifications of the oil production facility.
• Modular Gas Conversion Plants
Xenergi offers Modular integrated gas plants designed for stranded gas fields with gas volumes ranging from 10 MMCF /day to 50 MMCF/day. These plants totally consume the natural gas supplied delivering Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Natural Gas Liquids (NGL), High Octane Fuel Additives (HOFA) as well as Excess Electrical power that can be transferred to the national grid if viable or used to power the plant utilities.
• Early Production Facilities
With rising oil prices, oil companies (particularly marginal field operators) have a strong incentive to begin production early while full field development is being planned and permanent facilities are being built (Usually takes up to 24 months). Early-production facilities (EPFs) can help operators bring their new discoveries on stream fast. (Within 6 months).
• Remote Monitoring Systems
Wireless sensors are deployed at well heads or process flow facilities to measure a variety of data such as pressure and temperature, flow rates, density of produced fluids etc. The sensors are tied into the clients existing telecommunications infrastructure or independently transmitted real time to the client via web interfaces accessible from client offices.
The remote monitoring hardware, including sensors and data transmission equipment is sold to the client along with long-term maintenance contracts.
Xenergi operations are backed up by a solid management team comprising of seasoned professionals with an in-depth and extensive knowledge of the energy industry.
Xenergi Oilfield Services
Corporate Office
Xenergia Oilfield Technology Inc.
10370 Richmond Ave.
Houston TX 77052
Tel: +1 832 778 8811
Fax: +1 832 778 8812
West Africa Region
Plot 282B, Trans Amadi Industrial Layout,
Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Tel: +234 84 463256-8
Fax: +234 84 463259
Email: info@xenergitech.com
WEB: www.xenergitech.com
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Interview with Mr. Emeka C. Ene,MD OILDATA ....read more!
